Left-Handed Words

Thoughts that slide sideways

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In Defense of Horror

I got through Aristotle’s Poetics and actually enjoyed it. I’m surprised because the first time I tried it, I hated it. Hatred’s too strong, but I was confused and put off by it. In most editions, the text is fragmented and speckled with footnotes that all generally agree that we know very little about what […]


Even though Jesus has physically passed into a realm that we cannot comprehend, our inner lives can follow and glow with the warmth of that place.

The Royal Advent

I’m a sucker for a good Christmas hymn. Carols are fun, but a Christmas hymn hits the spot. There are fewer Advent hymns (“Joy to the World” and “O Come, O Come, Immanuel” come to mind), but that’s to be expected. I never heard much about Advent as a child. I was a young adult […]

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